Why is my bill higher than the estimated invoice?

Price comparison tools calculate a monthly estimate based on your historical consumption linked to your CUPS (Universal Supply Point Code) and electricity prices during that period. This estimate may differ from your actual bill for several reasons:

  • Higher consumption: You may have used more electricity compared to the same period last year.
  • Price changes: Electricity prices may have increased due to market factors, regulations, or taxes.
  • Time of year: In certain months, such as winter, both consumption and prices may be higher. However, this balances out with lower consumption and prices in other months, like summer. Over the year, this system helps distribute costs, making the savings more noticeable.


According to data from the last seven quarters, market electricity prices have been, on average, 20.3% lower than fixed-rate contract prices, allowing for significant savings without needing to adjust your energy consumption.

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